Delaware Valley University Alpha PHI Omega

Delaware Valley University Alpha PHI Omega was one of those assignments where the client sent us a very small image of the design. This complicates transforming a raster image to a vector. Usually, if an image was created or generated for the web, I can save more time recreating the logo than using Inkscape’s Trace Bitmap. Most times, I have to take a guess at what the font could possibly be. On the front design, I believe I used a Heavy Futura font and made adjustments to the M and G. Usually I would double check the font using WhatTheFont and if I’m having trouble finding the exact font I can ask on their forum and get a response within the same hour. With that said, the font wasn’t the only issue on this assignment. To show an example, here’s the rasterized image as a one color vector with Inkscape’s Trace Bitmap:
As a web enthusiast and vector artist, I cannot and would not hand this to a client. Not only is the font illegible, but the shapes – especially towards the middle – are warped and skewed while parts of other shapes are completely missing. Sometimes the long way is the only way.
Scalable Vector Graphics of the designs are below: