Common Inkscape Shortcut Keys

Common Inkscape Shortcut Keys that speeds up my workflow.
Note: When using a Mac, it’s important to include the fn when using any of the function keys, e.g., f1, f2, f3, etc.
Property Name | Keyboard Shortcut |
Select and Transform Object | F1 |
Edit Paths by Node | F2 |
Draw Freehand Lines | F6 |
Draw Bezier curves and straight lines | F6 Shift |
Object to Path | Shift Ctrl C |
Stroke to Path | Ctrl Alt C |
Trace Bitmap | Shift Alt B |
Zoom In | + |
Zoom Out | – |
Union | Ctrl + + |
Difference | Ctrl + – |
Intersection | Ctrl + * |
Exclusion | Ctrl + Shift 6 |
Division | Ctrl + / |
Raise | Page up |
Lower | Page Down |